'There are certain workouts that i like to incorporate only when i am in competition prep and this is one of them.. Upper body weighted circuit! if executed correctly this is a great way to burn bodyfat whilst still stimulating muscle parts. Its not something you would do all the time as it is taxing on your joints with the high volume and intensity but in the last 8 weeks of a prep i would do these once to twice a week. If you plan on giving it ago then make sure you keep your rest periods down to a minimum and keep that heart rate up. To make this even more difficult you can include a lower body circuit also which is the concept as the upper body. This would typically take around 1 hour 20 mins if you are focused and keeping the rest periods down. Thank you for watching the video, i hope you have enjoyed it and look out for the next video coming up which will be the next OLYMPIA EPISODE. please comment and subscribe to my channel if you haven\'t already done so... Thanks'
Tags: fitness , gym , motivation , Health , bodybuilding , SPORTS , funny , inspiration , ryan terry , Lex Griffin
See also: Big Rob , coreografia , how to dance , funny , fast � , DINNER IDEAS , tattoos , musculation , shoulder workout , full body